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How to Automate II: Backing or laying the 1st/2nd/.../nth favourite shot

This tutorial is Part two of the How to Automate series and follows on logically from the How to Automate I: Understanding Flumine tutorial we shared previously.

Make sure you look at part one, before diving into this one, as it will help you understand the general Flumine code structure and how it works. This tutorial will delve a bit deeper and give us more confidence working with Flumine. Not only will we get a cool new strategy, but we will be moving closer to learning how to automate our own model.

As always please reach out with feedback, suggestions or queries. Please submit a pull request if you catch any bugs or have other improvement suggestions!


Say for example you have done some research and found there is significant published academic literature on the existence of a favourite-longshot bias. As a result, you want to automate a strategy backing all favourites or second favourites in thoroughbred racing markets. If this is the case, then this is the perfect tutorial for you!

Taking a quick look on Google Scholar we can see there is indeed plenty of published papers on this topic (almost as if I planned it). Many of these Journals are high quality too! According to the ABDC Journal Rankings:

  • Scottish Journal of Political Economy has rating of A
  • The Economic Journal is A*
  • Applied Economics is A*


However at this point I must stress to the reader that these papers are quite old and were mainly published in the early 2000s. Schwert (2003) suggests that many of the market anomalies, discovered in financial markets as a contradiction to market efficiency, disappear once they have been published in academic literature. So, although these researchers may have found the existence of a favourite-longshot bias in betting markets in the early 2000s, they likely no longer exist as the publication of their findings leads to an increase in market efficiency.

Schwert, G.W., 2003. Anomalies and market efficiency. Handbook of the Economics of Finance, 1, pp.939-974.


This is basically always the same

# Import libraries for logging in
import betfairlightweight
from flumine import Flumine, clients

# Credentials to login and logging in 
trading = betfairlightweight.APIClient('username','password',app_key='appkey')
client = clients.BetfairClient(trading, interactive_login=True)

# Login
framework = Flumine(client=client)

# Code to login when using security certificates
# trading = betfairlightweight.APIClient('username','password',app_key='appkey', certs=r'C:\Users\zhoui\openssl_certs')
# client = clients.BetfairClient(trading)

# framework = Flumine(client=client)

Creating our strategy

Formulating our strategy

This is where the fun begins!

If you haven't already, read through How to Automate I: Understanding Flumine to get a grasp on what the general code structure of Flumine looks like. The basic code structure will always be the same, but we will tailor it to whatever strategy we are trying to run.

We have a few basic requirements for this strategy:

  • We want to find what horse is the favourite / second favourite / third favourite and so on
  • We want to place a bet on that horse
  • We want to only place a single bet on that horse and on the market in general

Hold up, how do we decide which horse is the favourite?

There are two things we must consider here:

  1. What price should we be using to determine if a horse is the favourite?
    • Back price
    • Lay price
    • Some sort of mid point
    • Last traded price
    • Some combination??
  2. What point in time should we reference the price to determine the favourite?
    • 10 mins before the jump
    • 5 mins before the jump
    • 30 secs before the jump??

These decisions can make huge differences, and it's up to you to do your own analysis and decided which is best.

For this example, we will keep it simple and place a Back bet on the favourite, and use the last traded price, 60 seconds before the scheduled jump time

Implementing our strategy

Now that we have decided on using the last traded price for each horse, we actually need a way to find this in real time. Luckily, the Betfair documentation provides everything we need.

In Betfairlightweight and Flumine wrapper for the Betfair API, runner has the attribute last_price_traded, so to access it we can simply call runner.last_price_traded. Looping through all the runners in a race we can collect the last_price_traded for all runners and then convert that into a dataframe:

snapshot_last_price_traded = []
for runner in market_book.runners:

snapshot_last_price_traded = pd.DataFrame(snapshot_last_price_traded, columns=['selection_id','last_traded_price'])

So, we end up with a DataFrame like this:


Let's sort the rows by the last_traded_price and define a new variable called the fav_selection_id which is the selection_id of the horse we want to bet on (first favourite horse).

To get the corresponding selection_id we need to select the value from the first row of the selection_id column. As Python starts indexing rows from 0, instead of 1, we will be selecting the 0th index to get the value of the first row. (If your strategy was backing/laying the second favourite you will need to be selecting the 1st index)

snapshot_last_price_traded = snapshot_last_price_traded.sort_values(by = ['last_traded_price'])
fav_selection_id = snapshot_last_price_traded['selection_id'].iloc[0]


We also need a way to validate bets so that we don't bet on multiple selections. This is because process_market_book will run every time anyone places or cancels a bet on that market. So we need to prevent multiple bet placements. This is usually easily done by setting max_trade_count = 1 however, looking at the documentation we can see that this is only on a per selection basis. As the favourite horse can change over time then we may end up betting multiple times if the favourite changes. In most situations this probably isn't an issue, as you can just limit betting to a timeframe e.g., from 60 seconds before the jump to 50 seconds before the jump. However, if the market is very illiquid there may not be any bets placed or cancelled in the time frame. So, let's come up with a way that our strategy can only bet once without using the timeframe as a work around.

According to the documentation for Flumine we can get the runner_context, which will allow us to collect info on the trades, matched and waiting to be matched. If we loop through all the runners in the market, we can turn that into a DataFrame:

runner_context = []
for runner in market_book.runners:
        runner_context = self.get_runner_context(
                    market.market_id, runner.selection_id, runner.handicap
        snapshot_runner_context.append([runner_context.selection_id, runner_context.executable_orders, runner_context.live_trade_count, runner_context.trade_count])
snapshot_runner_context = pd.DataFrame(snapshot_runner_context, columns=['selection_id','executable_orders','live_trade_count','trade_count'])

This will return a DataFrame like this:


Now we can simply just check if the sum last 3 columns equal zero, to validate that no bets have been placed:


Let's put this all together and pepper in some logging so we know what's happening:

# Import necessary libraries
from flumine import BaseStrategy 
from import Trade
from flumine.order.order import LimitOrder, OrderStatus
from import Market
from betfairlightweight.filters import streaming_market_filter
from betfairlightweight.resources import MarketBook
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Logging
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename = 'how_to_automate_2.log', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(lineno)d:%(message)s')

class BackFavStrategy(BaseStrategy):

    # Defines what happens when we start our strategy i.e. this method will run once when we first start running our strategy
    def start(self) -> None:
        print("starting strategy 'BackFavStrategy'")

    def check_market_book(self, market: Market, market_book: MarketBook) -> bool:
        # process_market_book only executed if this returns True
        if market_book.status != "CLOSED":
            return True

    def process_market_book(self, market: Market, market_book: MarketBook) -> None:

        # Collect data on last price traded and the number of bets we have placed
        snapshot_last_price_traded = []
        snapshot_runner_context = []
        for runner in market_book.runners:
                # Get runner context for each runner
                runner_context = self.get_runner_context(
                    market.market_id, runner.selection_id, runner.handicap
                snapshot_runner_context.append([runner_context.selection_id, runner_context.executable_orders, runner_context.live_trade_count, runner_context.trade_count])

        # Convert last price traded data to dataframe
        snapshot_last_price_traded = pd.DataFrame(snapshot_last_price_traded, columns=['selection_id','last_traded_price'])
        # Find the selection_id of the favourite
        snapshot_last_price_traded = snapshot_last_price_traded.sort_values(by = ['last_traded_price'])
        fav_selection_id = snapshot_last_price_traded['selection_id'].iloc[0] # logging

        # Convert data on number of bets we have placed to a dataframe
        snapshot_runner_context = pd.DataFrame(snapshot_runner_context, columns=['selection_id','executable_orders','live_trade_count','trade_count']) # logging

        for runner in market_book.runners:
            if runner.status == "ACTIVE" and market.seconds_to_start < 60 and market_book.inplay == False and runner.selection_id == fav_selection_id and snapshot_runner_context.iloc[:,1:].sum().sum() == 0:
                trade = Trade(
                order = trade.create_order(
                    side="BACK", order_type=LimitOrder(price=runner.last_price_traded, size=5)

Running our strategy

Now that we have our strategy ready, we can point it to a sport, and let it run. This time we will add some trading controls because we are likely to get matched. Let's specify that we are only comfortable with 1 bet at any time with a maximum exposure of $20

strategy = BackFavStrategy(
        event_type_ids=["4339"], # Greyhounds
        country_codes=["AU"], # Australian Markets
        market_types=["WIN"], # Win Markets
    max_trade_count=1, # max total number of trades per runner
    max_live_trade_count=1, # max live (with executable orders) trades per runner
    max_selection_exposure=20, # max exposure of 20 per horse
    max_order_exposure= 20 # Max bet sizes of $20

Before we start running our strategy lets learn how the Flumine framework actually works. I basically glossed over this in Part I as its not entirely necessary to get something up and running, but in a more realistic sense its very useful and we now have a good strategy to test it on.

When we log into using Flumine we define a framework which is a Flumine object:

trading = betfairlightweight.APIClient('username','password',app_key='appkey')
client = clients.BetfairClient(trading, interactive_login=True)
framework = Flumine(client=client)

When we run our strategies, we are actually running framework. You can think of framework as a video game character with nothing equiped, when we add different strategies its like equipping a weapon like a sword or bow. We can also add other things to help us out such as LiveLoggingControl (which we will learn to create a bit futher down), and an autoterminate function so we don't need to manually turn it off each day, this is like adding buffs or armour that can help our character to progress.

We need to define the thing that we are adding onto our framework and then Flumine will have specific functions that allow us to equip our strategies and helper functions. For example to add a strategy we just need to do add_strategy(), the list of Flumine functions that you can use to add things to framework are available here. Once we have our character ready with strategies and help code equiped we can do and that will run your framework with all the strategies and all the supporting supporting code attached.



Automatic Terminate

This code is a direct copy and paste from the examples and works like a charm out of the box. It runs every 60 seconds and checks if all markets starting today have been closed for at least 20 minutes. If it has then it will stop our automation.

import logging
import datetime
from flumine.worker import BackgroundWorker
from import TerminationEvent

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Worker can be used as followed:
            func_kwargs={"today_only": True, "seconds_closed": 1200},
This will run every 60s and will terminate 
the framework if all markets starting 'today' 
have been closed for at least 1200s

# Function that stops automation running at the end of the day
def terminate(
    context: dict, flumine, today_only: bool = True, seconds_closed: int = 600
) -> None:
    """terminate framework if no markets
    live today.

    # Creates a list of all markets 
    markets = list(

    # from the above list, create a list of markets that are expected to start today
    markets_today = [
        for m in markets
        if == datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
        and (
            m.elapsed_seconds_closed is None
            or (m.elapsed_seconds_closed and m.elapsed_seconds_closed < seconds_closed)

    # counts the markets that are expected to start today
    if today_only:
        market_count = len(markets_today)
        market_count = len(markets)

    # if the number of markets that are expected to start today then stop flumine 
    if market_count == 0:"No more markets available, terminating framework")

Now that we have created our terminate function we have to add it to our framework

# Add the auto terminate to our framework
        func_kwargs={"today_only": True, "seconds_closed": 1200},

Let's also create something that records our bets in a nice csv/excel file so we can review how we went later on. Although this is also called logging it will create a clean csv file called "orders_hta_2.csv" that looks like this:


This becomes super useful when we have more than one strategy so we can track how each strategy is performing (it also reads nicely into a pandas DataFrame!). This will also allow us to do some analysis such as check how often our bets get matched. This code is copied from the examples with some very slight changes.

import os
import csv
import logging
from flumine.controls.loggingcontrols import LoggingControl
from flumine.order.ordertype import OrderTypes

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


class LiveLoggingControl(LoggingControl):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LiveLoggingControl, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    # checks if the file "orders_hta_2.csv" already exists, if it doens't then create it
    def _setup(self):
        if os.path.exists("orders_hta_2.csv"):
  "Results file exists")
            with open("orders_hta_2.csv", "w") as m:
                # Create orders_hta_2.csv with the first row as the FIELDNAMES we specified above
                csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(m, delimiter=",", fieldnames=FIELDNAMES)

    def _process_cleared_orders_meta(self, event):
        orders = event.event  # gives us a list of our orders for a market that has already settled
        with open("orders_hta_2.csv", "a") as m:  # open orders_hta_2.csv and append a new row of data (orders)
            for order in orders:
                if order.order_type.ORDER_TYPE == OrderTypes.LIMIT:
                    size = order.order_type.size
                    size = order.order_type.liability
                if order.order_type.ORDER_TYPE == OrderTypes.MARKET_ON_CLOSE:
                    price = None
                    price = order.order_type.price
                try:  # Create a dictionary of data we want to append to our csv file
                    order_data = {
                        "bet_id": order.bet_id,
                        "market_id": order.market_id,
                        "selection_id": order.selection_id,
                        "date_time_placed": order.responses.date_time_placed,
                        "price": price,
                        "price_matched": order.average_price_matched,
                        "size": size,
                        "size_matched": order.size_matched,
                        "profit": 0 if not order.cleared_order else order.cleared_order.profit,
                        "side": order.side,
                        "elapsed_seconds_executable": order.elapsed_seconds_executable,
                        "order_status": order.status.value,
                        "order_notes": order.notes_str,
                    csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(m, delimiter=",", fieldnames=FIELDNAMES)  # maps our dictionary to output rows
                    csv_writer.writerow(order_data)  # append data to csv files
                except Exception as e:
                        "_process_cleared_orders_meta: %s" % e,
                        extra={"order": order, "error": e},
                    )"Orders updated", extra={"order_count": len(orders)})

    def _process_cleared_markets(self, event):
        cleared_markets = event.event
        for cleared_market in cleared_markets.orders:
                "Cleared market",
                    "market_id": cleared_market.market_id,
                    "bet_count": cleared_market.bet_count,
                    "profit": cleared_market.profit,
                    "commission": cleared_market.commission,

Now let's add the bet logging to our framework and run everything at once:

starting strategy 'BackFavStrategy'

There are some other things you can add such as workers that run automatically in the background at set times (e.g. every 10 seconds) and are independent of market updates. There is some documentation available but to be honest I've never had to use them. If you are doing something that is a bit more intense or needs to be run at set time intervals then they are probably useful so take a look.

Conclusion and next steps

We have so far done zero backtesting on this strategy, and blindly following strategies from published papers that are over 20 years old is a sure fire way to lose money. But hopefully this gives you an idea of the things you can accomplish with Flumine. If you are keen on backtesting your own betting angles, I would suggest taking a look at our tutorial which goes into depth on how to backtest Automated Betting Angles in Python using historical data.

Now that we have a better understanding of Flumine we are getting very close to automating our own model. We still have three parts remaining in this series which will take you step by step through:

  • Part III - Automating a Betfair model
  • Part IV - Automating your own model
  • Part V - How to simulate the Exchange to backtest and optimise our strategies

Complete code

Run the code from your ide by using py <filename>.py, making sure you amend the path to point to your input data.

Download from Github

# Import libraries for logging in
import betfairlightweight
from flumine import Flumine, clients
from flumine import BaseStrategy 
from import Trade
from flumine.order.order import LimitOrder, OrderStatus
from import Market
from betfairlightweight.filters import streaming_market_filter
from betfairlightweight.resources import MarketBook
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import logging
import datetime
from flumine.worker import BackgroundWorker
from import TerminationEvent
import os
import csv
import logging
from flumine.controls.loggingcontrols import LoggingControl
from flumine.order.ordertype import OrderTypes

logging.basicConfig(filename = 'how_to_automate_2.log', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(lineno)d:%(message)s')

# Import libraries for logging in
import betfairlightweight
from flumine import Flumine, clients

# Credentials to login and logging in 
trading = betfairlightweight.APIClient('username','password',app_key='appkey')
client = clients.BetfairClient(trading, interactive_login=True)

# Login
framework = Flumine(client=client)

# Code to login when using security certificates
# trading = betfairlightweight.APIClient('username','password',app_key='appkey', certs=r'C:\Users\zhoui\openssl_certs')
# client = clients.BetfairClient(trading)

# framework = Flumine(client=client)

class BackFavStrategy(BaseStrategy):

    # Defines what happens when we start our strategy i.e. this method will run once when we first start running our strategy
    def start(self) -&gt; None:
        print("starting strategy 'BackFavStrategy'")

    def check_market_book(self, market: Market, market_book: MarketBook) -&gt; bool:
        # process_market_book only executed if this returns True
        if market_book.status != "CLOSED":
            return True

    def process_market_book(self, market: Market, market_book: MarketBook) -&gt; None:

        # Collect data on last price traded and the number of bets we have placed
        snapshot_last_price_traded = []
        snapshot_runner_context = []
        for runner in market_book.runners:
                # Get runner context for each runner
                runner_context = self.get_runner_context(
                    market.market_id, runner.selection_id, runner.handicap
                snapshot_runner_context.append([runner_context.selection_id, runner_context.executable_orders, runner_context.live_trade_count, runner_context.trade_count])

        # Convert last price traded data to dataframe
        snapshot_last_price_traded = pd.DataFrame(snapshot_last_price_traded, columns=['selection_id','last_traded_price'])
        # Find the selection_id of the favourite
        snapshot_last_price_traded = snapshot_last_price_traded.sort_values(by = ['last_traded_price'])
        fav_selection_id = snapshot_last_price_traded['selection_id'].iloc[0] # logging

        # Convert data on number of bets we have placed to a dataframe
        snapshot_runner_context = pd.DataFrame(snapshot_runner_context, columns=['selection_id','executable_orders','live_trade_count','trade_count']) # logging

        for runner in market_book.runners:
            if runner.status == "ACTIVE" and market.seconds_to_start &lt; 60 and market_book.inplay == False and runner.selection_id == fav_selection_id and snapshot_runner_context.iloc[:,1:].sum().sum() == 0:
                trade = Trade(
                order = trade.create_order(
                    side="BACK", order_type=LimitOrder(price=runner.last_price_traded, size=5)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Worker can be used as followed:
            func_kwargs={"today_only": True, "seconds_closed": 1200},
This will run every 60s and will terminate 
the framework if all markets starting 'today' 
have been closed for at least 1200s

# Function that stops automation running at the end of the day
def terminate(
    context: dict, flumine, today_only: bool = True, seconds_closed: int = 600
) -&gt; None:
    """terminate framework if no markets
    live today.
    markets = list(
    markets_today = [
        for m in markets
        if == datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
        and (
            m.elapsed_seconds_closed is None
            or (m.elapsed_seconds_closed and m.elapsed_seconds_closed &lt; seconds_closed)
    if today_only:
        market_count = len(markets_today)
        market_count = len(markets)
    if market_count == 0:"No more markets available, terminating framework")


class LiveLoggingControl(LoggingControl):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LiveLoggingControl, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    # Changed file path and checks if the file orders_hta_2.csv already exists, if it doens't then create it
    def _setup(self):
        if os.path.exists("orders_hta_2.csv"):
  "Results file exists")
            with open("orders_hta_2.csv", "w") as m:
                csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(m, delimiter=",", fieldnames=FIELDNAMES)

    def _process_cleared_orders_meta(self, event):
        orders = event.event
        with open("orders_hta_2.csv", "a") as m:
            for order in orders:
                if order.order_type.ORDER_TYPE == OrderTypes.LIMIT:
                    size = order.order_type.size
                    size = order.order_type.liability
                if order.order_type.ORDER_TYPE == OrderTypes.MARKET_ON_CLOSE:
                    price = None
                    price = order.order_type.price
                    order_data = {
                        "bet_id": order.bet_id,
                        "market_id": order.market_id,
                        "selection_id": order.selection_id,
                        "date_time_placed": order.responses.date_time_placed,
                        "price": price,
                        "price_matched": order.average_price_matched,
                        "size": size,
                        "size_matched": order.size_matched,
                        "profit": 0 if not order.cleared_order else order.cleared_order.profit,
                        "side": order.side,
                        "elapsed_seconds_executable": order.elapsed_seconds_executable,
                        "order_status": order.status.value,
                        "order_notes": order.notes_str,
                    csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(m, delimiter=",", fieldnames=FIELDNAMES)
                except Exception as e:
                        "_process_cleared_orders_meta: %s" % e,
                        extra={"order": order, "error": e},
                    )"Orders updated", extra={"order_count": len(orders)})

    def _process_cleared_markets(self, event):
        cleared_markets = event.event
        for cleared_market in cleared_markets.orders:
                "Cleared market",
                    "market_id": cleared_market.market_id,
                    "bet_count": cleared_market.bet_count,
                    "profit": cleared_market.profit,
                    "commission": cleared_market.commission,

strategy = BackFavStrategy(
        event_type_ids=["4339"], # Greyhounds
        country_codes=["AU"], # Australian Markets
        market_types=["WIN"], # Win Markets
    max_trade_count=1, # max total number of trades per runner
    max_live_trade_count=1, # max live (with executable orders) trades per runner
    max_selection_exposure=20, # max exposure of 20 per horse
    max_order_exposure= 20 # Max bet sizes of $20


# Add the auto terminate to our framework
        func_kwargs={"today_only": True, "seconds_closed": 1200},

) # run our framework


Note that whilst models and automated strategies are fun and rewarding to create, we can't promise that your model or betting strategy will be profitable, and we make no representations in relation to the code shared or information on this page. If you're using this code or implementing your own strategies, you do so entirely at your own risk and you are responsible for any winnings/losses incurred. Under no circumstances will Betfair be liable for any loss or damage you suffer.